Academic Journal of

Anthropological Studies

[Abbr: Acd. Jr. AJASt]

Fingerprint and Poroscopy: Analysis Used for Personal Identification

by Anshika Kaushik, Nirja Singh

Fingerprint is used worldwide for the purpose of personal identification. In recent time, a number of researches and advancement has occurred in the dactyloscopy which leads to its acceptance as valuable evidence in court. A number of powder and chemical methods are evolved for the development of latent prints varying from oldest black charcoal methods to modern cyanoacrylate fuming methods. Fingerprint provide the detail information at three level. In the first level, the analysis of fingerprint is performed, ridge characteristics are analyzed in the second level and study of edges and pores of ridges in the third level. AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) is a computerized biometric identification system for a fingerprint which uses digital images to obtain, store and analyze the prints, reducing the workload of fingerprint expert. When fragmented or partial prints are found at crime scene, with a low number of ridge characteristics, third level of detail of fingerprint identification i.e. poroscopy is used for personal identification as the sweat pores are unique in respect of size, shape, pore frequency, interspacing, show permanence and remain same during the whole life. This review paper focused on discussing all the advancements in the analysis of fingerprint and poroscopy for personal identification. Key Words: Personal Identification, Dactyloscopy, Poroscopy, Pore Frequency.

Lip Print Examination: A Tool Used In Investigation

by Sudhakar Yadav

Lip prints are the same as a fingerprint which is used for the purpose of personal identification such as their individual characters for every human (Male and Female). Lips have their own unique feature and these unique features can be analyzed by the Cheiloscopy examination, lip print can help the investigating officers in linking between subject and location where show the absent and present in the crime scene. The lip print basically fissures by the attached to the wrinkles and grooves by the labial mucosa were known as Sulci labiorum, in the scientific language, the study of the lip prints is called Cheiloscopy which is a Greek word which means skopein-see and chelios-lips it's more helping in the field of forensic science for identification or examination. The methods used in the development of lip print from the crime scene in which the use of lip print kit such as cellophane tape, thin paper, magnifying glass usually used 10x, brush, and lipstick. Lip print also helps in sex determination. The present study is moreover related to defining the authenticity of lip print on the basis of individual feature which was similar to that of fingerprints. Key Words: Cheiloscopy, Lip Print, Forensic Science

Fingerprint Studies and Dactyloscopy

by Varsha Chauhan

Fingerprints are a unique characteristic which is used by the law enforcement agencies for criminal identification and also help to reconstruct the crime scene. Fingerprints are unique to every person; even identical twins with identical DNA do not share the same fingerprint pattern. Fingerprints are likely to be found on every surface to which the offender touches, there are numerous methods for locating and visualizing such prints. This review paper focuses on the use of non-conventional methods. For locating and developing the chance prints, various conventional methods are available but they are proved to be toxic in nature for humankind, therefore investigators must focus on the use of non-conventional methods that are easily available, cheaper, and non-toxic in nature. Non-conventional methods produce better results on various surfaces than the conventional one. Using the non-conventional methods results in betterment for forensic services in the long run as these methods do not cause health hazards, non-destructive nature, and also saves the expenses. Key Words: Fingerprint, Non-Conventional, Forensic, Non-Toxic, Non-Destructive

Determination of Sex on the Basis of Skeletal Evidence

by Akansha Gupta

This paper discusses the importance of forensic anthropology, which is used as an important tool for the purpose of identification. The significance of present criminological anthropological studies cannot be overemphasized. In criminal cases, mass disaster cases, fire accidents, plane crash accidents, exhumation, bomb blast, and explosion cases the skeletal remains collected by anthropologists are highly deteriorated and fragmented, requiring various methods and techniques to interpret the evidence. Teeth and bones discovered from these events are resistant to degradation processes which act as crucial evidence and serve as a significant tool used for forensic identification hence, forensic anthropology applied for the purpose of identification of skeleton and distinguish other skeletal evidence. Whenever the skeletal evidence is found initially anthropologists determine whether the obtained material is bone or not as the piece of a bone is covered with dust or mixed with alike substances, after assuring that the evidence discovered is bone next they determine that it from human origin or not. Anthropologists generally arranged the pieces of bones in “Anatomical position”. It gives visual information by which the experts can differentiate that the skeletal remains belong to the human origin or animal origin, in addition to that investigators also face some serious issue when several individuals are present at such incidents like mass disaster investigators examines the skeletons separately. After this next step is to determine the age of bones, anthropologists elaborate on the difference between ancient and modern skeleton by examining the extra deposited layer. Biological profiles: age, sex, stature, and ancestry. Skeletal sex should be determined by two methods of forensic anthropology: morphological method or metric method. Morphological methods are based on the concept of sexual dimorphism. Key Words: Sexual Dimorphism, Anatomical Position, Stature, Forensic Anthropology, Skeletal Remains.

Skeleton Examination Used in Victim Disaster Identification

by Shweta Jaiswal

Identification means determination or establishment of the individuality of a person, living or dead on the basis of some physical findings or data. It required in cases of fire, explosions, in railway, ship and air-craft accidents (Mass-disaster), and mutilated dead-bodies, skeleton remains etc. The goal of identifying skeleton remains is to establish the identity of particular bones that have characteristic features belongs to a particular diseased person. Forensic anthropologists will develop linked between a victim and their bones through the determination of age, sex, race, stature, and also the biological profile of the remains. Generally the identity of victim estimated by comparing or matching the antemortem and post-mortem data. But in disaster cases there is less chance to recover expected clues about the victim, so no possibility to found current data because the victim’s body not recovered as a proper way or sometimes found only a part of the body. In this review paper, the establishment of identity of a victim disaster has been done on the basis of age, sex, height of the bone. Key Words: Skeleton Remains, Victim Disaster, Identification, Bones.

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